Jordan Tuzsuzov [ projects ]

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 - Biniax Game
 - Devet Game
 - Pokele Game
 - Veptheca Game
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This page contains some of my projects, developed in my free time or as tests of some problems in my work. The music, sounds and most graphics are made by me, so don't be critical :)
Info about my comercial projects, you can find Here.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Funny arcade game for one or two players with similar rules to squash. Supports all possible multiplayer options - same machine, LAN and Internet network multiplayer.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Fast paced "Jump and Run ... and survive" 3D arcade game. Looks like SkyRoads, but actually is much different! Contains 9 levels. Requires OpenGL 3D accelerator. Rated 8/10 from GameHippo.

Speed Delight
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

3D Racing game with infinite road, running in time attack mode. The speed feeling is great, and sometimes the road remains rollercoaster :) Requires OpenGL 3D accelerator. NOTE : This is a new version, which runs on all Windows OS.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

The game is something like next part of Speed Delight, but with dark atmosphere. Requires OpenGL 3D accelerator.  Rated 9/10 from GameHippo. NOTE : This is a new version, which runs on all Windows OS.

Mykro Planets
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Space battle for up to 8 players. The game supports only network multiplayer mode.Requires OpenGL 3D accelerator. You can download the source code here.

Windows 95/98/ME

First person action game. You play against two bots, and the goal is to collect as much gold as possible and ... stay alive. Requires OpenGL 3D accelerator.

DOS/Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

This game is only 64KB big. It's a 3D third person shooter game with up-view. You are in very big city full of insects - the number is 1000 ! You must kill them all...

DOS/Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

The game is coded in assembler and it's only 2000 bytes (less than 2KB !) It's a shoot'em up game with space ships, aliens, rockets and lot of fire. Get the i286 asm source here.

Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

This software allows you to build graphics of two-argumental functions  Z = f ( X, Y ). You can export the drawings as bitmaps, or as 3D objects in VRML. Requires OpenGL 3D accelerator.

CyberSquash ( C-S-Q )

Very light version of C-S-Q for Nintendo GameBoy COLOR. 

CASIO PocketViewer

This is a clone of ATARI classics - Pong, released for CASIO Pocket Viewer PDA. Look HERE for source code.

Books and publications
Here you can find some of my text-documents. The book "Real Virtuality and OpenGL" and my Master thesis "Realtime 3D terrain rendering". Both documents are in bulgarian.


Real Virtuality and OpenGL 

Explains basics and advance technics using OpenGL 3D API from C language. Contains perpective and ortho projections, scene transformations, lightings, colors, texturing, display lists, etc.

Realtime 3D terrain rendering

Explains how to render terrains presented as highfields in realtime. Contains DOS SVGA rendering engine using Voxel technology, and OpenGL based Win32 render system.

(c) 2002 - Jordan Tuzsuzov